
Workers Compensation Wrongful Death Lawsuits
April 25, 2023 | Workers' compensation
Accidents can occur at any time and at any place. They can even occur while at work or while carrying out work-related tasks. Many times work-related accidents end up with workers suffering injuries that they are able to recover from. Sometimes these injuries are severe and life altering. Other times the worker dies as a Read More…

Divorce Attorney Omaha
April 20, 2023 | Divorce
Going through a divorce isn’t easy. Most people marry with the hope of remaining married to the same person for the rest of their lives. They don’t imagine that they will face a divorce. It’s easy to see why the divorce process is associated with feelings of resentment, regret and even failure. The divorce process Read More…

Amputations from a Work Accident
April 18, 2023 | Accidents
Workers’ compensation is designed to provide workers that suffer injuries due to a work-related accident a financial cushion during the difficult period following the injury. Workers’ compensation covers the cost of medical treatment and rehabilitation as well as a portion of the injured worker’s wages for the period that they are unable to work due Read More…

Why Should I Hire a Lawyer for a Catastrophic Injury Accident?
April 13, 2023 | Catastrophic Injury
When a person is injured as a result of an accident that was caused by another party, they can hold the at-fault party liable for their damages resulting from the accident. This means that they can seek financial compensation for damages such as medical bills and other expenses related to the injuries and accident. While Read More…

Omaha Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyers
April 11, 2023 | Nursing Home Negligence
Advancements in medicine have resulted in longer lifespans. This means that the population of elderly people has increased. While caring for your elderly loved one in a familiar environment would be ideal, there comes a time when they may require more than you are able to offer. When this happens, a nursing home could be Read More…

Personal Injury Omaha NE
April 6, 2023 | Personal injury
Personal injury claims are cases that arise when a person suffers an injury as a result of another person’s reckless or negligent behavior. These injuries are completely avoidable and would not have occurred if it were not for the reckless or negligent behavior of the other party. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Read More…

Dangerous Drugs Attorneys Omaha NE
April 4, 2023 | Dangerous Drugs Lawsuits
We trust pharmaceutical companies to manufacture drugs that are safe for the use they are applied for. However, there are instances where medical drugs end up causing more harm. When this happens, the pharmaceutical company and those responsible for its distribution can be held responsible for the damages suffered by the patient. If you have Read More…

Workers Comp Attorneys Near Me
March 31, 2023 | Workers' compensation
Have you been injured on the job? No one goes to work thinking that they will be involved in an accident. In fact, employers are required by law to provide a reasonably safe work environment for their employees. Many employers strive to do this. However, accidents still do happen. When they do and a worker Read More…

The 6 Most Common Types of Wrongful Death Cases
March 29, 2023 | Wrongful death
The death of a loved one is never easy on their family. It is even more difficult to deal with when the death of a loved one was caused by the carelessness of another person. Wrongful death occurs when a person dies as a result of the reckless or negligence of another party. The party Read More…

Foot or Toe Amputation From a Work Accident
March 24, 2023 | Accidents
The loss of any limb can be devastating. It can result in the loss of function and mobility. If you have lost a foot or toe as a result of a work-related injury, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Below, we take a look at workers’ compensation and its role in rehabilitation of Read More…