Workers’ compensation

Vocational Rehabilitation—a valuable workers’ compensation benefit
December 4, 2019 | Workers' compensation
In Nebraska when an employee is hurt at work, and they have a permanent injury that prevents a return to the job the employee did at the time of the injury, he or she may be entitled to vocational rehabilitation. This can be the case for injuries to the body as a whole (back and Read More…

Settling your workers’ compensation case
October 30, 2019 | Workers' compensation
If you have been hurt at work and you have had your treatment and you’re at maximum medical improvement (MMI), which is a way of saying your condition is stable and not likely to improve, the insurance company may ask if you want to settle. It’s your decision whether or not you settle the case Read More…

Medical Care in Workers’ Compensation
October 1, 2019 | Workers' compensation
If you have been hurt at work, you may know that your employer (or, more likely, their workers’ compensation insurance company) has to pay for your medical treatment for your injuries. However, insurance companies go by what your doctor puts in writing, not what he or she tells you in your examination. Therefore, it is Read More…

Mileage and Expenses in Workers’ Compensation
| Workers' compensation
If you have been hurt at work, you may know that you’re paid for your time off because of the accident and that your medical expenses are paid without a co-pay. However, there are a few additional benefits that you may not know about, and the insurance company is not going to tell you about Read More…

What is the difference between a traumatic injury and a repetitive motion injury under Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Law?
August 12, 2019 | Accidents, Workers' compensation
Technically, there are three types of injuries under Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Law: A “traumatic” injury, such as a car accident, fall, lifting injury, etc. A traumatic injury occurs at a discreet point in time with a clearly identifiable beginning and end. A “repetitive” or “cumulative” injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or a hearing loss Read More…

The Insurance Industry Does Not Care About You
July 18, 2019 | Accidents, Personal injury, Workers' compensation
The Insurance Industry Does Not Care About You… The above statement is very likely true across the entire insurance spectrum, whether it be a health insurer doing their very best to deny you treatment that should be covered, an auto-insurer engaging in bad faith on personal injury settlements, or your homeowner’s policy premiums that you’ve Read More…

Workers’ Compensation: when does negligence matter?
December 24, 2018 | Workers' compensation
Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. That means basic negligence by an employee or employer does not affect entitlement to benefits. In fact, the only time basic negligence comes into play is when an employee is injured while on the job due to the negligence of a third party. So when, if ever, does negligence Read More…

Common Sense Tips for your Workers’ Compensation Claims
July 29, 2018 | Workers' compensation
Insurance companies watch out for their bottom line in administering your workers’ compensation claim. You should look out for yours. Delayed medical payments and wage loss benefits can damage your credit and create stress at a time you should be focused on healing. Following these simple tips can help you focus on your recovery and Read More…
Understanding worker’s compensation acronyms – part 3
April 20, 2018 | Workers' compensation
Written by: Justin High This is the final post in this three-part series, where we discuss some of the more common, yet most confusing, acronym used in workers’ compensation law. (Part 1 can be read HERE, followed by part 2 HERE on this blog). MMI – Maximum Medical Improvement. You hear this one a lot both Read More…
Understanding worker’s compensation acronyms – part 2
April 10, 2018 | General, Workers' compensation
Written by: Justin High This is the second in a three-part post about the acronyms and terms that are commonly used in a workers’ compensation case. (You can access the first post HERE.) In this series, we look at the “essential elements” of a workers’ compensation claim. A lot of the time, people that are Read More…