
Airplane Accident Attorney – Omaha NE

Airplane Accident Attorney – Omaha NE

August 1, 2023 | Accidents

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Did you know that air travel is statistically safer than automotive travel? This is based on accidents that occur per mile traveled. However, the consequences of an airplane accident are far more devastating than many car automobile accidents. In addition, assigning liability in airplane accidents is far more complex than in automobile accidents. Hiring an Read More…

Auto Accident Attorneys Near Me – Omaha NE

Auto Accident Attorneys Near Me – Omaha NE

July 7, 2023 | Accidents

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Have you been involved in a car accident? It can be difficult to decide whether or not you should hire an auto accident attorney after a car accident. After all, there is no law that requires you to hire an attorney in order to recover compensation for your accident. Below, we discuss some of the Read More…

Truck Accident Lawyer Near Me

Truck Accident Lawyer Near Me

June 20, 2023 | Accidents

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Have you been involved in a truck accident? Truck accidents often have devastating results. Trucks are much larger and heavier than other vehicles on the road. They therefore cause more damage when involved in a collision. Accident victims often suffer serious injuries and some even die as a result of their injuries. As if dealing Read More…

Uninsured driver crashed into me

An uninsured driver crashed into me – how can a lawyer help with that?

May 25, 2023 | Accidents

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We pay auto insurance not only because it is a requirement of the law but also to ensure that we have a financial cushion in case of an accident. Unfortunately, not everyone adheres to the law. There are millions of drivers that are uninsured or underinsured. Recovering compensation for your damages can be complicated when Read More…

Accident Lawyer Near Me – Omaha NE

Accident Lawyer Near Me – Omaha NE

May 9, 2023 | Accidents

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We pay car insurance in order to be able to recover compensation when we are involved in an accident. Depending on the type of car insurance you purchase and the laws in your state, your car insurance will protect your personal finances in the event of an accident by covering expenses such as medical fees Read More…

Semi-truck Accidents Omaha NE

Semi-truck Accidents Omaha NE

May 2, 2023 | Accidents

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Semi-truck accidents are different from car accidents in more ways than one. These accidents often result in more severe damage because of the force of impact. Trucks are many times larger and heavier than passenger vehicles. The force of impact is therefore multiplied in a truck accident. These accidents often result in severe injuries or Read More…

Amputations from a Work Accident

Amputations from a Work Accident

April 18, 2023 | Accidents

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Workers’ compensation is designed to provide workers that suffer injuries due to a work-related accident a financial cushion during the difficult period following the injury. Workers’ compensation covers the cost of medical treatment and rehabilitation as well as a portion of the injured worker’s wages for the period that they are unable to work due Read More…

Foot Amputation From Work Accident

Foot or Toe Amputation From a Work Accident

March 24, 2023 | Accidents

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The loss of any limb can be devastating. It can result in the loss of function and mobility. If you have lost a foot or toe as a result of a work-related injury, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Below, we take a look at workers’ compensation and its role in rehabilitation of Read More…

Hand or Finger Amputation from a Work Accident

Hand or Finger Amputation from a Work Accident

March 14, 2023 | Accidents

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If you’re an employee and you have sustained an injury at work that has resulted in the amputation of your finger or hand, you may be facing a long and difficult recovery. For some workers, a finger or hand amputation will mean not being able to return to work in the same capacity. You may Read More…

Hit and Run Omaha

Hit and Run Omaha

March 7, 2023 | Accidents

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Have you been involved in a hit and run accident? As if being the victim of a car accident wasn’t traumatizing enough, having the responsible driver driving away and leaving you to your fate can be devastating. It can create many complications in recovering compensation especially if the driver cannot be found. You will be Read More…