
WELCOME Shakil Malik to High & Younes LLC
April 19, 2022 | Public Service Announcement
Please join us in welcoming Shakil Malik to High & Younes LLC. Shakil has more than a decade of experience in a variety of areas of legal practice. Shakil worked for the Douglas County Attorney’s Office for 10 years. During that time, he practiced in the County, District, and Juvenile Courts of Douglas County, Nebraska. Read More…

Truck Driver Workers Compensation
April 12, 2022 | Workers' compensation
Driving a truck is one of the most dangerous jobs. Truck drivers throughout the country drive billions of miles every year on some of the most dangerous highways in the country. They work with heavy equipment and their work can be physically straining. It is safe to say that this profession comes with many risks. Read More…

WELCOME Meaghan Geraghty to High & Younes LLC
April 8, 2022 | Public Service Announcement
Please join us in welcoming Meaghan Geraghty to High & Younes LLC. Meaghan brings a wide range of skills and experience to H&Y, including being a licensed registered nurse. Her legal practice focuses on the injured person including medical malpractice, nursing home negligence and personal injury. Meaghan enjoys the intersection of nursing and the law, Read More…

High and Younes Attorneys Expand Bankruptcy Service Area to Des Moines, Davenport
April 7, 2022 | Bankruptcy
If you live in Des Moines, Davenport, Council Bluffs, or another town south of Interstate 80 in Iowa, and are contemplating filing for bankruptcy, we would like you to know you have the option of hiring an attorney whose office is in another city. Some people feel more comfortable hiring a law firm from a Read More…

Games Insurance Companies Play
April 5, 2022 | Insurance Claims
Accidents can happen at any moment. There is always a possibility of something going wrong and the result may be injuries requiring extensive medical treatment. You will not only have to face the physical and psychological trauma caused by the accident but also the economic strain including hefty medical bills, loss of wages and property Read More…

Find a Wrongful Death Lawyer Near Me
March 31, 2022 | Wrongful death
There are a wide variety of things that can result in a wrongful death. When a wrongful death does occur, it is important for survivors to seek compensation for the loss of their loved one. A wrongful death lawyer can provide you and your loved ones with the support and guidance you need during this Read More…

What injuries qualify for a workers’ comp claim?
March 29, 2022 | Workers' compensation
Any injury sustained while working qualifies for workers’ compensation, provided it’s an injury that requires medical care. For example, you could file a claim for a paper cut since cuts can lead to infection. However, if a paper cut heals in a few days and doesn’t require medical attention, the claim will likely be denied. Read More…

Accident Attorney Near Me
March 25, 2022 | Accidents
High & Younes – Accident Attorney Near Me – Omaha NE High & Younes attorneys understand the unique demands that accident cases present, and the issues and pressure they cause our clients. We are there to help every step of the way, and we’ll do everything we can to get you the maximum damages for Read More…

Father Rights Attorney Omaha
March 23, 2022 | Family Law
It is common knowledge that family courts and family law in general favors the mother of children involved in a family law dispute. The assumption has been held for centuries that children are always better with their mothers. The father’s role is therefore relegated to financial provision through the payment of child support. Fathers are Read More…

Workers Comp Insurance From an Employer’s Perspective
March 17, 2022 | Workers' compensation
What do you do when an employee claims they have been injured while on the job? While you may have done everything possible to provide your employees with a safe working environment, accidents can still happen. When they do it is important as an employer to be prepared. This is especially because almost every state Read More…