
Workers Compensation Loopholes
December 13, 2022 | Workers' compensation
Most employers are required by law to provide their employees with workers’ compensation coverage. Workers’ compensation insurance provides workers with a financial cushion when they suffer a serious injury at work. This insurance protects both the worker and the employer. Unfortunately, the employers and insurance companies are finding loopholes that allow them to abuse the Read More…

Big Rig Accident Nebraska
December 8, 2022 | Accidents
Being involved in an accident with a truck is a devastating experience. These accidents often result in severe injuries or even the death of the victims. When an accident occurs between a truck and a passenger vehicle or other smaller vehicle, those in the smaller vehicle are at a great disadvantage. This is because big Read More…

How Can Workers Compensation Help Me?
December 6, 2022 | Workers' compensation
Employers are required by law to provide work environments that are reasonably safe for their employees. Unfortunately, accidents still do occur. Data shows that employees are injured every 7 seconds globally. When an accident occurs at work, there is a good chance that the employer can be held liable for the damages that the employee Read More…

I Suffered a Catastrophic Injury in a Car Accident, What Should I Do?
December 1, 2022 | Catastrophic Injury
Car accidents can be scary experiences. However, some people are lucky enough to walk away from an accident unscathed. Others aren’t so lucky. They end up with severe injuries that alter their lives forever. These are what are known in personal injury law as catastrophic injuries. Catastrophic injuries are not only devastating to the victim Read More…

Workers’ Comp Restrictions – Follow Them!
November 29, 2022 | Workers' compensation
If you have been injured on the job, it is not only important to seek medical treatment but also follow the restrictions and recommendations of your doctor. If you have suffered a serious injury, your doctor may recommend some restrictions to prevent re-injury and help the healing process along. These restrictions may prevent you from Read More…

Happy Thanksgiving!
November 24, 2022 | Public Service Announcement
Wishing everyone a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

What are Workers’ Comp Class Codes?
November 22, 2022 | Workers' compensation
When you are injured at work, it could mean having to seek medical treatment. If your injuries are especially severe, you may require intensive treatment and have to undergo several medical procedures thereafter. Serious injuries also mean not being able to work for a while as you recover. If you’ve suffered a catastrophic injury, you Read More…

I Was Injured in an Omaha Car Accident, What Should I Do?
November 17, 2022 | Accidents
Have you been injured in a car accident? Being injured in a car accident can be devastating. These accidents often occur in a split second. However, the consequences of the accident can last a lifetime. This is especially the case if you suffer a serious injury as a result of the accident. If you were Read More…

Elements of a Wrongful Death Lawsuit
November 15, 2022 | Wrongful death
When a death occurs as a result of the negligent or reckless actions of another party, the survivors of the deceased can seek compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit. This lawsuit is a type of personal injury claim that is brought against the liable party (or parties) in order to recover financial compensation for the Read More…

What Qualifies as a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?
November 10, 2022 | Wrongful death
What Qualifies as a Wrongful Death Lawsuit? The death of a loved one can be devastating. As if dealing with the loss isn’t enough, you have to deal with the fact that the death was preventable and was actually caused by the negligent or reckless conduct of another party. When this happens, you may be Read More…