Law Enforcement

Pedestrian Hit by a Bus in Downtown Omaha – Now What?
March 23, 2018 | Family Law, General, Law Enforcement, Wrongful death
In yesterday’s news, a Papillion woman was hit by a bus in downtown Omaha. A video detail can be found HERE on, and the original article as written by Josh Planos on KETV can be viewed here: OMAHA, Neb. — A Papillion woman suffered multiple injuries Thursday night when a Metro bus hit her while Read More…

Things to know if you get pulled over for driving under the influence
March 15, 2018 | DUI, General, Law Enforcement
Written by: Frank Younes So, you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence. You are not alone! In 2016 there were 7,425 arrests for driving under the influence, which accounts for 10.3878% of all arrests that year. What many people do not realize until after they have been arrested, (and many times too late,) is Read More…