Insurance Claims

What are Insurance Diagnosis Codes?
June 8, 2022 | Insurance Claims
The medical coding system is quite complex. It is therefore not surprising that many mistakes are made during the claims process. Unfortunately, even a small error in the claims processes can result in the denial or delay of payment of medical claims. A delay or denial of a medical claim can have serious consequences. It Read More…

Games Insurance Companies Play
April 5, 2022 | Insurance Claims
Accidents can happen at any moment. There is always a possibility of something going wrong and the result may be injuries requiring extensive medical treatment. You will not only have to face the physical and psychological trauma caused by the accident but also the economic strain including hefty medical bills, loss of wages and property Read More…

How to Fight a Denied Insurance Claim
March 7, 2022 | Insurance Claims
We buy insurance to ensure that we are protected when faced with an unexpected loss or damage. Insurance gives us the confidence that there is something we can fall back on in case of an emergency. While we may not encounter an emergency, we continue to pay our premiums to ensure that we will have Read More…

How Insurance Companies Avoid Paying Claims
June 9, 2021 | Insurance Claims
Accidents and other unexpected incidents in life can be traumatizing. It can be a great comfort to know that you can claim a settlement from an insurer to meet unexpected expenses and help you get back on your feet. Unfortunately, insurance companies are often not willing to pay claims. Like other businesses, insurance companies are Read More…