Animal Bites

Find a Dog Attack Lawyer in Omaha Nebraska
July 11, 2024 | Animal Bites, Personal injury
They’re man’s best friend, but when they attack, they can be your worst nightmare. A dog attack can be both emotionally and physically traumatizing. Dealing with the aftermath of the attack can also be overwhelming. Fortunately, Nebraska law allows dog attack victims to seek compensation for damages from dog owners. Below, we take a look Read More…

Omaha Dog Bite Lawyer | Should I Sue Over a Dog Bite Injury?
April 13, 2020 | Animal Bites, coronavirus, Dog Bites, Personal injury
With the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic keeping most of us locked down and isolated inside our homes, pet owners have found one bright side: More time to walk their dogs. But does that silver lining bring with it a better chance for a dog bite if you’re out walking too? Dozens of recent news stories have Read More…