Trucking Attorney Near Me

We Answer your questions about the law

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8. What if the workers' compensation accident was my fault? Omaha, NE

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10. What kind of insurance coverage is available in Nebraska personal injury case? Omaha, NE

11. What can a Nebraska worker's compensation attorney do for me? Omaha, NE

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22. What do I do if I'm involved in a car accident?

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Accidents involving large commercial trucks such as flatbed trucks or semi-trucks often have devastating consequences. If you or someone you love has been involved in an accident involving a truck, it is important to seek proper compensation.

While you can’t put a monetary value on the pain and suffering caused by a trucking accident, compensation will help to provide financial support for you and your loved ones. It will help you start the journey towards healing.

What makes truck accidents different from other car accidents?

Many people assume that trucking accidents ought to be handled just as other motor vehicle accidents are handled. However, cases involving trucking accidents are more complex for various reasons.

· State and federal trucking laws that govern trucks are different

All drivers are required to obey state traffic laws. However, the standards set by the law for truck drivers are much higher. In fact, truck drivers are subject to regulations enforced by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in addition to state traffic laws. Truck drivers undergo formal training and education in order to obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL) for example. There is therefore much more to be considered in legal terms when a trucking accident occurs.

· Severity of the accident

Trucks weigh anywhere between 10,000 and 80,000 pounds. This is about 80 times the weight of a regular passenger car. The impact in accidents involving these vehicles is much more than when two passenger vehicles collide. Trucking accidents often result in severe injuries and many times in fatalities. Accidents involving trucks therefore often involve large sums of money in compensation. This can make these cases complex to resolve.

· More than one party can be held liable

Trucking accidents often don’t just involve the driver. Multiple parties may be held liable for the accident. For example, the accident may have been the result of a faulty part. Therefore the manufacturer of the part may be held liable as well. Drivers who are fatigued due to poor working conditions may cause an accident. The trucking company may be held liable in addition to the driver in the event of an accident.

What a trucking attorney can do for you?

If you or someone you love has been involved in a trucking accident, it is important to hire an experienced trucking attorney to help you seek compensation. An experienced attorney will:

· Help you determine liability

One of the biggest challenges in trucking accident cases is identifying who should be held liable for the damage and injuries caused in the accident. While the driver is the first person held liable for the accident, various other parties may have played a role in causing the accident. Your attorney will help you identify these parties and the role they played. They will help you determine who can be held liable for the accident so that you can maximize your compensation.

· Investigate the accident

It’s no secret that truck accidents can become complicated quickly. These accidents often involve large sums in compensation. Insurance companies and other parties involved will do all they can to avoid having to pay out a large sum in compensation. Trucking attorneys have the skills and resources to investigate a truck accident and uncover the true cause of an accident. They will gather the evidence you need to prove where the fault lies. They will help you build a strong case on your behalf.

· Determine the best strategy for your case

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to handling trucking accident cases. Each case is as unique as the parties involved. While a similar case may have ended with compensation, your case may have to go to trial. An experienced attorney will help you determine the best strategy for your case. They will advise you on the law and the options available to you. They will help you determine whether going to trial or taking a settlement would be best for your situation.

· Handle all communication on your behalf

Trucking accidents involve a lot of back and forth communication with insurance adjusters and other parties involved in the case. This is all part of finding out facts about the case and negotiating a settlement. While it may all seem routine, it is important to be cautious about what you say and do during this period. Your attorney will handle all communication on your behalf to avoid mistakes that could be costly. They will also handle the negotiations with the defendants and fight to get you just compensation.

· Represent you in court

While many trucking accident cases end with compensation, your case may go to trial. An experienced attorney will represent you in court. They will argue your case to a judge and jury and fight to get you a favorable verdict.

If you or someone you love have been involved in a trucking accident, get in touch with us and book free consultation with an experienced trucking attorney.